DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2527044
Monocultures, biodiversity and r-strategists
In modern, conventional agriculture the general principles is to mostly
focus on the performance of an organism (crop) to produce a certain
amount of yield. Human intervention makes sure the nutrient and energy
input is given (fertilization, irrigation) and intervenes to suppress
unwanted interactions (parasitism, other plants). The population is
often a one-clone population, whose density of growth is predetermined
by plantation and nutrition. In this way, the system is relatively
simple and so, predictable and controllable. On the other hand, since it
relies on one organism, it is also more vulnerable and needs
intervention in case of challenges (lack of water, pests, …).

However, the conception of agriculture as the reproduction of an organism in monoculture does not mean ecology is not playing
a role. Indeed, it exists in a landscape and biosphere and can
represent one source of food for a species that can then become
invasive. This excellent food supply and the lack of predators favors
type of predators /parasites of the type of r-strategists, spreading
very fast due to their lack of density limitation. Annual plants in a
monoculture represent the typical environment for those fast spreading
species: temporary environments. They are a great food source for
species which do not have a long life span and have many offsprings,
thriving even in an only seasonal prosperity like mice or parasites or
aphids (see definition box below 1). But those annuals offer on the
other hand too unstable conditions to allow the establishment of
longer-living predators (k-strategists) as prey birds for example.
Indeed, permanently present predators are in need of life supporting
conditions year round. The same is true for other species that are
thriving on the long term, as some pollinators. Their thriving is
compromised by annual monocultures or their equivalent: a short
flowering season of a perennial monoculture2.
The lack of crop rotation is enhancing this risk because of the survival
of these naturally oscillating r-strategists populations in the soil or
in voluntary plants until the next season.Moreover, a single solution for the problem (pesticides, or single
adapted species) puts a huge and unidirectional selection pressure on
the very same potentially invasive species on the longer term and
promotes in this way adaptation mechanisms .
Permanent diversity pool is a way to escape this race against these
strategists, by establishing the conditions for natural dynamics used to
our own advantage instead of fighting unwanted consequences or
side-effects. By ensuring a year-round shelter and food source to
several species, it helps the establishment of population dynamics more
favorable to k-strategists and therefore creates an environment more
stable against sudden bursts of k-strategists. Furthermore, the more
diverse the environement gets, the more intrinsic dynamics are present3
that can be used.
Dynamics are more resilient that statics – a case for genetic variety
Schematic representation of relative occurrence of different crops or
different varieties of the same crop over time and changing conditions.
After 4
Natural selection in one place is favoring one variety or one crop –
or more, over the others but does not discard the others, less favored.
Therefore, their characteristics are kept and take over when conditions
are changing. The same principle could be extended to different species;
some years might be more favorable to some crops than others, but it is
still worth keeping all of them for their mutual support effect, even
though it can mean changing the proportions and the dominant species.
Looking further, looking higher
Figure adapted after
This represents the different levels of biological organization and the
corresponding interactions with their predictability and complexity. It
also shows that the higher levels exist only as a ensemble of many of
the lower level and therefore large scale changes at one level brings
consequences at a higher sphere.
The establishment of monocultures on large surfaces influences the
population dynamics and the communities on those surfaces. Furthermore,
the more widespread this model gets, the more influence it has on higher
levels of biological organization, up to ecosystems, landscape and
finally the biosphere. Can we, in the same way, find a local practice
that would reconstruct ecosystems, so their effect, if widespread
enough, would influence and balance even the climate?
… to be followed up…
1. Rafferty JP. K-related speies, R-related species. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2011.
2. Partap U and Ya T. The Human Pollinators of Fruit Crops in Maoxian
County, Sichuan, China. Mountain Research and Development.
3. Allan E, Weisser W, Weigelt A, Roscher C, Fischer M and Hillebrand H.
More diverse plant communities have higher functioning over time due to
turnover in complementary dominant species. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences. 2017.
4. Ceccarelli S. Seeds of the future. Colloquium CERN 2015.
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