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Showing posts from March, 2023

International Bologna Consensus Assembly on Telemedicine - the 72h after...

We are back from the  International Bologna Consensus Assembly on Telemedicine "Ratio Ethica et Ratio Technica: Concerting Governance, Research and Innovation for One Health" promoted by the Italian Society of Telemedicine , our partners in ISOMERISM ... and it took us 72 hours to digest everything that happened, to mentally replay all the conversations...  We were clearly deeply invested in the event from its design, so we admit a bias to the statement we are going to share, and it's left to the reader to decide to trust us or to believe we are offering a hyperbole: this event will be remembered as a pivotal moment by the Italian medical community, as the dawn of a new European movement to bring together technical and ethical reasoning by parties of civil society that much can and should contribute to the trajectory of our citizens and fellow humans' experiences in a future never more uncertain than it looks today.  We were at the meeting representing several initia