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The Charter of Trieste: Accessibility to services for all persons - an update in 2022


Back in 2020 SCImPULSE Foundation had the honour to join forces with the Italian National Health Institute, the Autonomous Region Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, and Federsanità ANCI FVG in initiating and launching the Charter of Trieste. We had originally planned to run a 2 years campaign to receive feedbacks and EoI and to hold a new meeting during ESOF2022 in Leiden to update the Charter and trace a new trajectory for the future. As we all know, the covid pandemics happened and changed many priorities across EU in healthcare and service accessibility studies, and if we didn't have the opportunity to campaign, we certainly had a lot of learning and reflection opportunities. So, here we are today, discussing where do we stand, and what's in store for the future of accessibility design for all.
