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SCImPULSE contributes to the course "Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence: The new challenges for research and care" of the Università Politecnica delle Marche

On May the 17th 2023, we have joined the Università Politecnica delle Marche 😊 to contribute to the educational offer titled "Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence: The new challenges for research and care".

Our President, and host to the European liaison program by SIT (ISOMERISM), Dr Marco Manca, was invited to contribute 2 lectures (in Italian) to the aforementioned course"Telemedicina e Intelligenza Artificiale: Le nuove sfide per la ricerca e la cura", which is part of the educational offer of the School of Medicine for the academic year 2022-2023. He joined representing both ISOMERISM and SCImPULSE.

The two readings were recorded, and are available below for those who may have missed them, or would like to hear them again: 

1) The problem of forecasting in the medical-health field

2) Large language models in medicine

Towards the conclusions of the second lecture, contacts are shared to exchange comments or questions on the topics covered... We will do our best to answer all of you in a very short time.

If you are interested in the topic, you might enjoy reading in preview the draft article "Intelligenza artificiale ed altri specchi: opportunità ed illusioni che definiscono il futuribile in medicina" set to appear on the publication "I Campanacciani" of the University of Bologna.

Ad maiora!
