Over the past decade with technological advances in
ultrasound allowing what was once a large machine to become essentially a
hand-held device. With this convenience, of ultraportable ultrasound scanners
came the cost of several thousand euros. In the operating room, surgeons can in
real time see inside the human body using advanced imaging techniques, but
primary care givers, the healthcare professionals in those remote areas who are
on the front lines of diagnosing illnesses, haven't had access to the same
technology. How could we use technology to improve health care making it
low-cost and affordable?
Smartphone Ultrasound
According to Olivier De Fresnoye, combining the use
technology, community and a device that almost everyone has in his/her pocket,
they should be able to do just that. Being able to produce a medical image that
can then transport to a smartphone or laptop, making it an affordable hand-held
echo-stethoscope. It’s a device that every health care provider will want to
carry in their pocket - allowing for faster and more accurate diagnosis, which
means faster and better medical care. Saving the lives of mothers who die in
developing countries during their pregnancies and create more interactions
between professionals and patients. Portable ultrasound machines are typically
used in situations where the immediate space is limited and mobility is
important, or the scanning must be done in the field. Making portability a key
Let’s meet echOpen
Olivier De Fresnoye, Innovator and adviser spent many
years working in International and Industrial companies before entering the
humanitarian field in Southeast Asia. It was during this time that he
acknowledged that with technology and an open community to connect people, most
of the tools were already in place to empower healthcare providers.
The idea
started out as a discussion between friends: an engineer, a mathematician,
physician and a radiologist. As the discussion started with smartphones it
ended in a question: How could we use smartphone technology to improve health
care, considering that now almost everyone have one? This idea emerged as a combination of their passion
for open technology and community engagement. Using technologies already in
existence, with a bit of modification is economical and perfectly functional to
make their idea come true.
Open source hardware
echOpen is an Open Source and collaborative project
led by a core of experts and senior professionals that aims to develop the
first Open Source Hardware and low cost ultrasound probe connected to a
smartphone or tablet. This initiative is aimed to healthcare professionals in
emerging countries as well as in developed countries,
The collaboration of professionals are in an open
space with an ecosystem of researchers, community members, professionals in
ultrasound technology an, radiologists, echography and medical laboratories.
Through collaboration their vision is being realized.
“We strongly
believe that Open Source and affordable approach and principles in medical
devices are the means by which quality healthcare can be provided to all”, says
Olivier De Fresnoye
The echOpen initiative echOpen is supported by the
Fondation Pierre Fabre, with the support that the concept could be used in
Africa, where doctors lack medical imaging devices. Mr. De Fresnoye and his
team is planning to design the first medical prototype by 2017 to launch
clinical trials with their medical partners and produce the first product. The
widespread innovative use of mobile technologies it’s allowing initiatives like
echOpen to improve health and health care delivery.
This could be a game changer. It’s quick
and easy to use. It can expedite diagnosis. With some countries not having
access to ultrasound, due to the cost or not being portable enough. This
initiative could be putting imaging within the economic reach of healthcare
professionals globally.
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Follow the SCimPulse Foundation to share and spread the stories and initiatives of participants in the Call to Hack Open Health Care. Subscribe and be a member of the SCimPulse Foundation to stay informed of future developments and help pulse humanity forward