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Run up lectures to the "Salotto Privacy" meeting in Rome (IT) next Sept 20th, 2024

We had the pleasure of being hosted by eHealth Talks (a scientic public outreach initiative by AirBag Studio ) to begin the conversation that will culminate in Rome (IT) on the upcoming 20th of September meeting . Three live webcasts have been held, and courtesy of our friends at AirBag Studio they are available for all to catch up with: 1) we started our journey with a reflection on anonymization of human data , its practical challenges, and the requirements (and costs) in terms of auditability of the relevant security claims, with a quick exploration of plausible alternative approaches to governable data accessibility 2) the second episode was a nice overview of the liberated method experience in Newcastle upon Tyne,  in a chat about relationality vs transactionality, and the role metadata (context) play in maintaining information relevant and properly governed, courtesy of our excellent friend Giampaolo Montaletti 3) the last episode was a conversation between our fellow Silvio No

Digital governance e privacy in Sanità - Roma 20 Settembre 2024

 L’evento del Salotto Privacy - a porte chiuse e su invito - è realizzato dal Club Italiano Digital Governance , incardinato in Fondazione SCImPULSE .  L’incontro ha finalità di riflessione, discussione e co-produzione in virtù del contributo offerto in modo esclusivo dagli Esperti invitati e che aderiscono alle iniziative del Club, e mira ad approfondire i temi legati alla Digital Governance, con particolare attenzione sul significato dei Diritti individuali e sui valori della Privacy nel contesto della Salute pubblica e della Ricerca scientifica, nello scenario strategico del futuro prossimo e secondo le chiavi di lettura dei policy makers. Il Club Italiano Digital Governance è un Think-Tank indirizzato al Policy Making su temi legati alla Digital Economy, e la loro influenza nel mondo della Sanità, della Finanza, dell’Industria e della Ricerca. Il Club intende individuare, mappare e applicare azioni di lobbying veicolando soluzioni concrete e scenari ancorati ai "Futuri Poss

save the date: International Summit MEDITeH BEYOND (Digital Health Connection Beyond Mediterranean Boundaries)

 Our Chairman of the Board of Directors , Marco Manca , will contribute to a very interesting and timely science diplomacy initiative: SAVE THE DATE #International Summit #MEDITeH BEYOND Digital Health Connection Beyond Mediterranean Boundaries 📍Catania 16-17 May 2024 DIPLOMATIA with the Health Policy Commission Table and the Scientific Direction of Professor Francesco Gabbrielli, MD, PhD is organizing the first international conference to promote collaboration in digital health between research centres, healthcare bodies and private companies. Going beyond the shores of the Mediterranean, towards the Middle East. INFO and REGISTRATION ▶️