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save the date: International Summit MEDITeH BEYOND (Digital Health Connection Beyond Mediterranean Boundaries)

 Our Chairman of the Board of Directors , Marco Manca , will contribute to a very interesting and timely science diplomacy initiative: SAVE THE DATE #International Summit #MEDITeH BEYOND Digital Health Connection Beyond Mediterranean Boundaries 📍Catania 16-17 May 2024 DIPLOMATIA with the Health Policy Commission Table and the Scientific Direction of Professor Francesco Gabbrielli, MD, PhD is organizing the first international conference to promote collaboration in digital health between research centres, healthcare bodies and private companies. Going beyond the shores of the Mediterranean, towards the Middle East. INFO and REGISTRATION ▶️

new event from our joint initiative ISOMERISM: Position paper "Sostenibilità e mare" (Sustainability and the sea)

 The following announcement is in Italian because the event is born from a collaboration with our partners in Italy, through our joint initiative ISOMERISM . Composta da oltre 94 associazioni e realtà giovanili italiane, la Rete Giovani si impegna per la giustizia intergenerazionale. Durante l'evento, presenteremo un  Piano Giovani per l'Europa  e condivideremo esperienze di coinvolgimento giovanile dal basso. Inoltre, avremo l'onore di ospitare un confronto con diversi Europarlamentari. Questo incontro rappresenta un'opportunità unica per i giovani di influenzare il futuro dell'Europa e di contribuire attivamente alla costruzione di una società più equa e inclusiva. L'evento sa rà accessibile online, tramite la piattaforma Zoom, previa registrazione ( clicca qui ) Per collegarsi i dati sono:  link a conferenza Zoom  (ID riunione: 890 6252 4903 Codice d’accesso: 764680 )    Durante la conferenza sarà presentato anche il POSITION PAPER - SOSTENIBILITA' E MARE

Conversation about metadata and the management of health data ecosystems - Join us at #CXNowHealthcare2024

 Join - Francesco Gabbrielli, MD, PhD Director of the National Center for Telemedicine and Novel Assistive Technologies of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità & - Marco Manca, MD , Co-Founder of SCImPULSE Foundation and Chairman of the Board of Directors, member of the #NATO working group on "Meaningful human control over AI-based systems" To discuss about Digital Healthcare: Digitalisation in healthcare has opened the doors to new management practices and new research opportunities, enriching the relationship between health-care systems and citizenship, and bringing forward levels of reflection that were difficult to practice in the past. Data finds a second life in non-primary uses that allow us to respond more quickly to sudden changes, to promote virtuous practices in real time, and to innovate with important impacts on public health and GDP... but might have risky implications as well if exploitative practices are not kept at bay. Metadata analysis enables personalized