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Showing posts from October, 2022

SCImPULSE partecipa ai Green Blue Days 2022

È con grande piacere che condividiamo con voi la nostra partecipazione ai GreenBlueDays 2022 che si tengono a Taranto dal 9 all'11 Ottobre 2022. " the magic of a scatterscape {explored} " by Conall , licensed under CC BY 2.0  Interveranno per SCImPULSE: - Tsilla Boisselet, sul tema "Ambiente e Salute" (Sala 4 11.30-13.30 CEST) con l'intervento "Ambiente e Salute: il ruolo dell'agricoltura" che sarà accessibile in tempo reale (dalle 11.30 in poi) sul nostro canale Youtube - Marco Manca, sul tema "Telemedicina e Sostenibilità Sistemica" (Sala 4 16.30-19.00 CEST) con l'intervento "Telemedicina e Sostenibilità Sistemica: inquadramento critico delle evidenze e futuri possibili". SCImPULSE Foundation è partner scientifico dell'evento, e confidiamo oggi sia l'inizio di una rete di collaborazioni di lungo termine. --English version-- It is with great pleasure that we share with you our participation in the GreenBlueDays

The instrumentalization of social fear as a practice of state power

When fear or collective panic takes hold of a community, restoring calm and reconnecting with the basics of the social contract becomes a perilous exercise for the power, which can then move forward along several operational implementations. Crisis management is rooted in the mores of the inhabitants, their culture, their ability to support the remedy put in place by the authority. Through the study of some famous historical examples, let us try to understand how the supernatural and fear are treated in this way but also sometimes instrumentalized by struggling powers in search of restoration.  " Sketchbook Project: Fears 12 " by Jen Garcia , licensed under CC BY 2.0 Plague, witchcraft, epidemics, famine ..., throughout history the plagues were numerous and each episode enlightens us on what was the society that crossed them but also on the power in charge of maintaining the social order. Sometimes, historical sources show that more than trying to appease, the exercise of the