reHub is an initiative presented -and designed- by Mauro Alfieri and Sara Savian at the OpenCare event at CERN Idea Square earlier this year. A reHub glove is a tool designed for rehabilitation to recover movement fluidity after an injury. This will help physiotherapists and their patients monitor rehabilitation of the hand. It allows the patient to record and report exercise data such as hand position, finger flexion, and fingertips pressure. Technology that captures movement and transfers data. Presenting reHub @ CERN Recorded data are displayed through a software that reproduces a 3D hand and its movements. Through the software, a physiotherapist is able to evaluate and adjust the therapeutic process. reHub exercises can be done remotely or in the presence of a physiotherapist. The patient’s strengths, weaknesses, and range of motion will adjust automatically. This ensures the patient continues to stay challenged and at the same time, creating